
Playful Evolution: Ensuring Success for a Logo Refresh

When our client set out to refresh its logo, its first priority was to learn how potential new logos would align within its broader ecosystem. It reached out to us, eager to discover whether the iterative and transformative logos under consideration communicated brand truths, whether they would be scalable in a range of digital and physical contexts, and how target audiences viewed design elements such as color.
  • Conducted research in the U.S., Korea, Japan, India and Brazil.

  • Tested KPIs including visual appeal, fit within the ecosystem, and overall brand fit.

  • Used rigorous quantitative cell concept monadic testing to evaluate the implicit and rational associations with each visual identity.

  • Used Material’s proprietary BASE framework – which highlights how consumer choices are driven by fundamental needs for belonging, appeal, security, and exploration (BASE) – to help the client truly understand the logo’s impact.

We delivered an executive summary and recommendations illustrating how and why the new logos performed according to BASE needs. Our extensive research revealed which of the visual identities resonated from a holistic perspective, identifying any potential confusion with competitor branding. With a full understanding of consumer sentiment, our client was able to move forward and chose a logo their audience loved.

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