Online Gaming Platform


Transforming an Online Gaming Platform for Operational Efficiency and Scalability

In the modern, digital-first business landscape, operational efficiency and the ability to scale on-demand to meet evolving needs are crucial for success. The level of full-stack reliability and resilience required is not only limited to apps, but also to databases. This is particularly true for our client, a leading online gaming company and one of the biggest betting platforms for FIFA matches. In the lead-up to the FIFA World Cup, they tasked Material with modernizing their platform to ensure it could handle the major traffic spikes that were expected to occur during this global event.

Their challenges were multifaceted:

  • The client had legacy investments into multiple clouds, posing challenges to the internal infrastructure team since each cloud came with its own learning curve and operational technicalities.
  • Their application portfolio was complex, with over 50 applications including a mission-critical billing system, which used Java, .NET, COTS, NATS, MSSQL and Postgres.
  • Our client’s billing system could not handle traffic spikes anticipated to occur during the FIFA World Cup. As one of the largest betting platforms for FIFA matches, the business had to ensure its underlying platforms and applications were scalable and resilient to deal with anticipated volume spikes.
  • Operating in the online gaming domain, regulatory compliance was of vital importance.
  • Since timing was critical, rapid modernization of the application was key to the project’s success. We performed app disposition as a joint exercise with the client’s team; applications which were using postgres were migrated to YugabyteDB with minimal code changes, while applications that used MSSQL were parked for later phases.
  • This approach yielded quick wins as applications were replatformed to containers and kubernetes, and the database was migrated to YugabyteDB, providing a more scalable system for both apps and database.
  • We created a cloud native platform where Kubernetes was used for container orchestration and provided various platform capabilities. This architecture is designed for:
    •  Single pane of glass for platform operations
    •  Multi-Cloud: AWS and Azure
    •  Best-of-breed open source and enterprise products
  • We then tested the system using JMeter to ensure it could meet the increased traffic demands of the FIFA World Cup.

Our platform and applications were battle-tested during the FIFA World Cup, handling traffic surges seamlessly without any major incidents. The new multi-cloud platform not only improved operational efficiency but also enhanced our client’s ability to manage and scale resources dynamically.

Our journey to transform an online gaming platform underscores the importance of innovative cloud strategies and strong partnerships. By leveraging Kubernetes and YugabyteDB and adopting a robust multi-cloud approach, we achieved rapid modernization and ensured optimal performance during one of the world’s most-watched events.


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