Brand Health Tracking Services

Dynamic brand trackers integrate high-touch service and are powered by technology to deliver rapid, accurate data to fuel analytics that diagnose and improve brand health.

Key Benefits

  • Real-time insights, unmatched data quality and user-friendly, democratized outputs ensure organization-wide adoption and effectiveness.

  • Integrated technology, analytics, flex sections and business context deliver high value insights on the topics that are hot in your business today.

  • Unified measurement systems replace disparate tracking programs with comprehensive, integrated intelligence for optimizing against long- and short-term KPIs.

We thrive at the intersection of strategy, service, technology and data science to accurately measure, carefully analyze, and creatively package impactful insights. With a focus on attachment and brand love, advocacy, relationships and experiences, our passion for precision delivers industry-leading data quality to ensure that if your metrics are moving, it’s because your market or brand is moving too.

Through ongoing systems of learning and action built on unmatched data quality from the highest standards in sampling and data management, we produce living, dynamic, and flexible tools managed by customer-oriented service teams. Innovative visualizations, custom dashboards and automated reporting bring rapid access to data and implications that are ready for decision-making.

Related Offerings & Services

  • Data Science & Analytics

    We connect the domains of mathematics, computer science and business knowledge to tease out the key relationships between marketing exposures, perceptions, and in-market actions that drive financial performance.

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  • Brand Navigator

    Harness thousands of always-on brand and competitor data points to gain real-time visibility into how brands are performing and positioned across paid, earned and owned channels.

  • Qualitative Communities

    By talking to the same people over time, long-term qualitative communities uncover consumer emotions and triggers, providing deep insights as well as quick hit answers to the hot topic of the day.

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