The Advantages of Acquia Personalization to Drive Transformative Customer Experiences



In a fragmented, digital-first business landscape, personalized customer experiences matter more than ever before. According to McKinsey, 71% of consumers expect brands to deliver personalized interactions and messages. 76% of customers said receiving personalized communication was a key decision-making factor in considering a brand, while 78% of customers who received personalized content were likely to not only repurchase but also recommend the brand to friends and family.

However, delivering on the promise of personalization can be a significant challenge for any brand. Research from Acquia shows that 90% of consumers feel that brands typically fall short of their expectations for customer experience.

For marketers and business leaders faced with the challenge of delivering effective personalization that yields measurable results, a key step is to find the right tool that drives conversions and ROI. In many cases, organizations investing in personalization tools and platforms are unable to drive the value they want or expect. In this article, we will explore why, and what to do about it.

How to provide effective personalized customer experiences

Many personalization tools and platforms come packed with capabilities and features like unified visitor profiles, cross-channel content synchronization and advanced analytics. However, in most cases, marketers must rely on developers and IT to integrate these functions with their company’s content management system (CMS). This requires a significant investment of time and resources to properly set up the tool before it can be used to deploy a personalized marketing campaign. This is where Acquia Personalization stands out from the pack.

Acquia Personalization is a no-code console optimized for Drupal users. With its three-step ‘point-click-personalize’ approach, marketers can create a personalized customer experience, backed by data and analysis, for a targeted audience without developer or IT support. A solution like this enables marketers to focus on building their personalization campaign to deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time.

Let’s explore how Acquia Personalization and its various key components can help marketers achieve the goal of retaining customers and ultimately converting them into loyal brand advocates.

A comprehensive marketing personalization toolkit

The new Acquia Personalization tool empowers marketers to visualize their content the way their customers will see it. With a built-in scheduling feature, marketers can easily automate personalized messages for brand announcements, promotions and new releases – all while keeping an eye on the effectiveness of their personalization campaign using real-time analytics. This feature allows marketers to make quick adjustments and optimizations.

Here are the key components that set Acquia’s personalization tool apart.
  1. Dashboard – Acquia Personalization’s dashboard enables marketers to monitor ongoing campaigns, segments and key metrics. Its simple and intuitive user interface makes it easier to run campaigns and deliver engaging experiences.
  2. Campaigns – Marketers can create and manage personalized campaigns in three easy steps: 1) define the campaign details, 2) configure the personalization and 3) preview before publishing. Acquia Personalization allows marketers to display personalized content in a specific location on a website, then preview and experience the content exactly the way a customer would before publishing.
  3. Segments – In Acquia Personalization, a segment is an organizational unit that lets a marketer describe one or more attributes of a personalization campaign they want to track and target. Segments identify and organize a website’s visitors based on factors such as their persona, the content they prefer and past actions they have taken.
  4. People – As visitors interact with the published content, data is collected in real time in unified profiles, enabling accurate segmentation. This record of profile visitors is visible in the ‘People’ section. This section collects basic information about anonymous visitors: device type, geolocation, whether they are a returning or first-time visitor and what their content preferences are. This data helps marketers turn anonymous visitors into known prospects and then, ideally, into customers.
  5. Goals – In the tool, a ‘Goal’ is an event that occurs due to personalization. For example, a customer clicks through after being shown a targeted and personalized message, or downloads an asset after a content recommendation. Setting goals in Acquia Personalization allows marketers to monitor and evaluate campaign performance. It also helps to illustrate how one content type is performing relative to others.

Key advantages of Acquia Personalization

Acquia Personalization enables marketers to provide rewarding customer experiences that drive engagement, conversion and loyalty throughout the buyer’s journey. Here are just a few of the specific benefits it provides:
  1. Unique customer insights – Acquia Personalization collects a wide range of customer data across multiple channels. This creates a single, unified view of the customer which gives marketers deeper insight into a customer’s unique behaviors and tastes. With this information, it becomes easier for marketers to define customer segments and share their preferred content with them.
  2. The Drupal advantage – Drupal’s native taxonomy offers marketers the ability to effectively classify content, which helps set the stage for personalization. Since Acquia Personalization is built on Drupal, this automatically allows it to collect more robust customer data. When marketers need to offer personalized content recommendations or gain meaningful, real-time customer insights, they can meet their targets effectively and efficiently with the added advantage of the tool’s integration with Drupal.
  3. No code required, just ‘point-click-personalize’ – Acquia Personalization does not require marketers to work with code or learn technical skills to create a personalized campaign. With its intuitive interface, it is simple to use and allows the marketer to run their own tasks without having to depend on a developer or the IT team for feature development or integration.
  4. Multisite deployments – Acquia Personalization enables marketers to collect data, publish personalized content and optimize it for all their digital assets from one single, streamlined interface.
  5. Multilingual personalization: For global or multilingual audiences, Acquia Personalization allows marketers to build content once and automatically personalize it in different languages. Marketers can leverage this tool to create customized experiences for customers all over the world.
  6. Anonymous targeting: With Acquia Personalization, marketers can follow up on anonymous leads with personalized content because the tool can capture browser conditions, location and other third-party variables while still protecting customer privacy.

Create the ROI Your Business Deserves with Acquia’s Personalized Solutions

Acquia Personalization enables marketers to connect meaningfully with their customers across regions, languages and digital platforms, from web, to email, mobile, social, IoT and other channels. As an open, API-first tool, Acquia Personalization makes curating personalization easy and avoids the need for coding or IT involvement. The tool allows marketing teams to drive targeted customer engagements, exceed customer expectations and nurture them into loyal brand advocates.

As an Acquia implementation partner, Material can help you build the personalization program best suited to your business needs. Combining our digital strategy with advanced insights and analytics and sophisticated personalization techniques, we can help you deliver a rich and engaging digital customer experience.

To explore how we can integrate Acquia Personalization into your framework, reach out to us today.